Installing desktop app

You can download the NeetoRecord desktop app from here. If you are using a Mac and want to know if your Mac has Intel or Silicon then refer to this article.

Here’s a step-by-step video.

Once you downloaded the app, please follow the instructions below to install the app.

Mac users

  1. Click and open the .dmg file, you will see the below prompt.

    Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 9.20.12 AM.png
  1. Move NeetoRecord to the Application folder.

Windows users

  1. Run the .exe file and follow the instructions.

  2. Search your Start menu for NeetoRecord.

  3. Drag the NeetoRecord icon to your desktop for easy future access.

Linux users

  1. If you downloaded .AppImage , make sure you have installed

  2. If you downloaded .deb run:

 sudo apt install ./NeetoRecord-<version><arch>.deb
  1. If you downloaded .rpm run:

sudo dnf install ./NeetoRecord-<version><arch>.rpm